Mobile games to engage your users!

Mobile games to engage your users!

Bringing visitors to your website is one, and most often the first challenge, once you have started. But it is just as important to turn your visitors into users.
What does this mean, you ask? Comparing your situation with an old school offline business, you are bringing people to your brand-new stylish store, you just opened, but when they enter the door, they find an empty store with nothing to do or to buy, perhaps they don’t get your shop concept right away or they are simply bored. Anyways, they are probably not going to stay there for very long. Either offline or online, that is something you want to avoid.

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How to make your game responsive

How to make your game responsive

When you create a game, there are a lot of little details you have to look out for to ensure a great gaming experience for as much users as possible. Different users with different devices can all play your game, if you have built a responsive game, which can be displayed on different screen sizes and can work with different processors. Using HTML5 can be a relatively easy way to achieve this, if you are following some rules and know what to look out for.
Here are our tips for making your game responsive!

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